Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Canada Day-Part 1- at Marita and Kyle's place, 7/1/09

Today is Canada Day, July 1.  To celebrate we drove up to Horsefly where Marita and Kyle have a beautiful home nestled in the woods overlooking a lake. 

I wish you could have been here - Marita's meal was so delicious, not pictured was her cream caramel.   Rocky's roast was also delicious.

Isn't this beautiful!
I went nuts taking pictures.  But for their privacy, I won't post their lovely home.  

I really like their planter of strawberries.

Tony noticed this deer on their property.  At first, we were very cautious, then we noticed how comfortable she was.

I do have to show you my bathroom.Look how sweet, Marita definitely made us feel welcomed.


SW said...

Wow..a deer in their backyard..that's so cool! Very nice shots. The food looks so good. I think you needed to hike the forest to work it off!

jalna said...

Beautiful shots to go with your beautiful memories!