Each year since 1985, our City Hall is adorned with Christmas decorations on its lawn as well as inside. Shun Wah and I saw the following two before meeting up with Erick.
Notice the number 30 on the cake and the Christmas ornament that shows 1985. We look forward to what the City Hall has in store for us. As you can see, cake is one of the decorations.
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, local style never changes but some of the decorations in the water does.
The eternal flame is a reminder of September 11, 2001 - the plaque reads:
"Let this eternal flame unite our country in memory of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, and honor the brave men and women who put themselves in harm's way to save others. The love and spirit of our grateful nation, and the hearts and prayers of our people will always be with them"
Inside - I only got 3 photos - there were tons of people and the trees were awesome. Yes there was Elsa and adorable Olaf from "Frozen".
I give credit to Minori, I had seen some of her photos and I also wanted this view of the "tree".
This photo is different from Minori's, she was able to get the Christmas lights in the foreground in focus. She is an awesome photographer.
I hope if you have not seen this place that you get to - these photos are just a small example of what is there. I wanted to photograph the Christmas lights on the trees along the street but guess who was hungry.
We enjoyed actually overate at Assaggio. That was fun Shun Wah and Erick!!!
Wow, tomorrow is New Year's Eve. May I wish everyone a wonderful and healthy 2015!!!