Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Foster Botanical Garden, 8/17/2`


Today's tagalongs: Derek, Wes, Gary and Milton S.

My days here are numbered. The movers will be coming on Tuesday, August 31. I will not have my camera and other gears after that. I will be moving to Los Angeles, a new chapter.

This looks like us as we see different things to photograph which is a good thing.

Very interesting...

Although the sun was not shining on us, the humidity got to us. In less than 2 hours, most of us said, "See you next time."

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Foster Botanical Garden, 8/3/21

Tagalongs? Today: Derek, Wes, Natalie, Milton S. 

Since my camera was still in black/white, I continued with that. However, when I edit, Lightroom will show color because I am shooting in RAW. Luckily the theme for September's Eyes of Hawaii will be color and black/white of the same photo, I am practicing here with some images.

Also when we go out to photograph, we scatter like cats. However since I will be moving to Los Angeles in mid September, I decided to hang around more with my tagalongs.

It was fun and I will miss our tagalongs. We will try to get together more often before I leave.