Sunday, August 30, 2009

Got Ducks? - Hoomaluhia Park, 8/29/09

Eyes of Hawaii had its first annual picnic.  I am quite sure there will be more annual picnics.  It was fun.  We had lots of food and cameras.  After all, we are a photography group.

What caught my eye were the ducks.

There were even coots
Interesting, their feet are not webbed.
Below this coot were lots of red devil fish and some carps.
I liked how the light fell on the lake.
Others were also enjoying this park.

Some foliage.  Thanks Luther I needed help with getting this picture, instead of auto focus, we were doing manual focus.


jalna said...

Nice shooting. I like the lighting on the lake too!! Thanks for the coots link. . . those have got to be the most bizarre feet I've ever seen.

SW said...

Wow..very nice.. I REALLY like how saturated your colors can even see the red colors of the fishes in the water. You are right..the last shot is so sharp!! I must learn to manually focus too..but my eyesight is really bad...great day and great picnic...too bad I missed it.. maybe next year.

Erick said...

Nice bird shots. Looks like you had a great time. Wish I was there. Great job!