Sunday, July 5, 2020

Gary's - Koko Head Botanical, 7/4/20 and Zoo, 7/5/20

Gary knew his macro105 was on back order with B&H, but to his surprise it came sooner than he expected. We decided to go on our own to Koko Head Botanical and try out his new lens. Looks like it was fun to use.

Today, Gary used his 28-300 at the Zoo

A sausage flower. 

Wart do you want?

Super sonic speed, that duck.

A dragon fly at rest

Off to the races

Squirt the 20 year veteran, looking down at the 2 baby giraffes and probably thinking "Oh you kids"

Poor zebra, he lives with them.

This one is a crop of the above photo, so you can see her posing, show off!!!

 I can see you

Also known as the "Beautiful Pest"

Looking at my reflection

I am glad I have two lens.

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