Sunday, February 27, 2011

Snippets of this weekend, 2/26 & 27/11

Sat. 2/26/11
According to an ephemeris application, the sun was to rise between the twin islands seen from Lanikai Beach at 6:57. I met up with photo group,"I Wanna Shoot So Badly". It was fun but the dark clouds prevented a beautiful sunrise.

In response to Photo buddy, Jalna's comment. Here is a link to The Photographer's Ephemeris. I too was curious. I went to Apple Store as I did not know how to surf the web for this info. It is very cool. Too bad, I don't have an iPhone nor an iPad, hee hee I do have an iTouch - so I will have to rely on Erick if he chooses to get this. Guess what there is one for both Mac and PC: photoephemeris.

As you may guess, the dark clouds did bring rain. Yikes, protect your cameras!!!
Later Richard helped me take pics of this talented group: Nanakuli Performing Arts Center (NPAC). I was fortunate to see them before and looked forward to taking pictures again. Here is link to their performance on Nov. 21, 2010

Sun. 2/27/11
Richard and I returned to Waimea Valley Park, our friend Andy lost an item which we wanted to help him find. Sorry Andy, no luck. However, I couldn't resist taking pics while we were there. This Park is a photographer's paradise.

Believe it or not this leaf is green and on the underside it is red.

As we drove back, again, we were awed by God's beauty.


jalna said...

ePhemeris? I had to "google" it. Still could't figure out how you guys knew the sun would be rising between the two islands. Nice shooting!

Erick said...

Wow, way cool. Now you need an iPhone. Great shots.

Randism said...

nice pictures!!!

Anonymous said...


I really like the way you used the canoes as a foreground to the sunrise (I wished I had thought of that). But I think the best photo was the "Red & Green" leaf plant you shot at Waimea...

Take care.


SW said...

i have no idea what that technical term means even after I checked out the link..but whatever it is, it's pretty amazing to see the sun well positioned between the two islands.. nice!