Infact it is "open to any student from grades 5 to 12 from any public school. No performance experience required, just a desire to learn and grow and work as a team" as written in this program.
Before the show
Inbetween the songs, there were individual sharing of how their participation with NPAC affected their lives. Let the tears flow.
Robin Kitsu - thanks for a terrific performance!!!
Jalna it was so much fun shooting with you. You have to check her blog. Thank you Sunny-Aloha Miller, Jalna considers you - volunteer extraordinaire. Kudos for arranging this photo opportunity. (Too bad we weren't able to stay for the 4 hour performance, we left during intermission)
Later I joined Eyes of Hawaii at 5:30 to capture the sunset below the Light House on Diamond Head Road.Tonight, I was very determined to blog so you will also see, these posts:
The Hike! Kualoa Ranch, 11/20/10 and Women's Basketball, 11/20/10
Awesome photos Celia! It was great spending the day with you.
Great staged shots! Looks like you have fun. Love the lighthouse shot.
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