Monday, June 22, 2009

On a Wet Day, 6/22/09

Hmmm, isn't there a vacation immunity, such as the weather should be nice at all times?

I guess not.  It is 52 degrees and for me that is cold.  Yikes.  Here is my update.

Nice entrance to Rocky's, eh?
Notice the sign, quite appropriate for Goibles.
Finally, yes there is a Tony and Rocky, as per previous blogs.
I was so ready to take this picture of Mo, the birthday boy.
Mo and his family have a beautiful home.  I admire the way they display their pictures.

Here is the view, I got this morning.  The clouds were really low.
For Rocky this was a good time to give Theo a bath.  It was so cute to watch Theo intentionally ignore her calls and hide under the table with his head down.  Not a happy camper.
Hey that wasn't bad Theo, I know this part of the wash was well received.
Don't stop now.
Enough staying at home, we packed our bags and headed to the new aquatic center, "H2O Adventure*Fitness Centre", YMCA-YWCA of the the Central Okanagan.  We had fun!!!


Erick said...

Cool shots of all the animals! Good thing you didn't go in the winter. Keep us posted.

jalna said...

Beautiful house in beautiful surroundings. From what I can see from the cat photo, the view looks awesome too.

SW said...

I really like the shot of goibles. He (or is that she) is really getting used you taking photos. Too bad the weather's not good..looks like you get a good view from the house. Hope it gets better..