Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Foster Garden, 11/17/20

Again, I have to remind myself that yesterday was Tuesday. I am now part of the retired group meaning: Derek, Wes, Gary, Bob and Milton S.  I can now join them on a weekday. The other retired person was Curtis, but he had other plans such as golfing. Walter was jealous as he is still employed and can't join us.

Once we got into Foster Garden, we scattered like cats.

The first two were actually outside. I loved seeing the light.

This Iris plant caught the eye of Wes awhile ago. Luckily one was in bloom today. He has seen them all in bloom and the next day, none to be found. He found out they retract and bloom again. To the left you can see three that have retracted. I looked this up and they are called re-blooming bearded iris.

Did I mention cats? Here was a real one.

Yup, this was a water puddle. 

Lol, just one more step...

My one and only butterfly. I really need to be patient to capture any, they fly around too quickly.

After the shoot, we went to the end of Valley of Temples Memorial Park to get this view. I had heard about it. You guys might want to do the same.

Luckily we went yesterday, today it is cloudy with showers.

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