Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Watercolor and Photo, 5/10/11

Wow talking about being stoked.  Jonny Tupua gave me this watercolor.  He was inspired by the next picture that I had taken because of its lights and shadows.  Jonny works for Loco Boutique and does textile designs for many of their products.  He also works part time at the school I am at.  I am awed by his talent both in his art and working with students.  
This picture was in my post snippets-of-this-weekend, 2/26 & 27/11
I am so touched as this is the second time my photo inspired others to paint.  Jon Ching, my son,  did an oil which was in my post wonderful-surprise, 10/20/10

Thank you Jonny and Jon.  I am so happy that your artistic talents compliment my photos.

1 comment:

jalna said...

That is soooo cool!