Sunday, September 29, 2019

Zoo, 9/29/19

After seeing Derek trying different techniques - I wanted to do the same. Lol, it does take time to figure it out. I am in "preschool".

A new addition to our zoo - Sun Bears.

It is hard to believe this was the other Sun bear.
Someone thought it was a pig. The glass enclosure made it difficult to take photos.

This dragon fly stayed put - not sure why. However, I was still experimenting with the filters with cut outs - so I had to manual focus. Again, I was challenged.

I feel this my best photo, I caught it when its tail was swirling.

I may come back to the Aviary - I want to catch birds in flight.

Thanks Derek and Bob for a fun time.


jalna said...

We have bears again! Kid-time they were my favorites.

celia said...

Me too. I think the habitat they have now is boring for them. So sad.