Wednesday, December 27, 2017

From Kuuloa Regional Park to Wahiawa Botanical Garden, 12/27/17

Actually, we (Derek, Milton, Curtis, Angie, Dewey) began at Kaneohe Denny's for breakfast.

Before we even got to Kuuloa Regional Park, we had to stop to capture this view.

From the park is "Chinaman's Hat".

Notice the dog

Lā`ie Point State Wayside

Haliewa Alii Park - short stop: too rainy and the water was rough.

Wahiawa Botanical Garden - did not venture far due to the rain - it was good for me to focus.

Many attempts to get a bokeh - thanks Derek for teaching me how to capture them.

Thanks Derek for this photo - not only is the beanie funny but you can see me intently focused.

Thanks Derek for creating our last 2017 photo outing. It has been a good year as we enjoyed meals together, laughed a lot and went to various places.


Anonymous said...

wow beautiful pictures, I especially LOVE the beach shots. You get such clear and concise shots and it's like I can touch them. awesome - Happy New Year and Mahalo for sharing -N

SW said...

Beautiful landscape of chinaman's hat. You got the bokeh in your flower portrats! Great shots! I remember going to Laiei once.. that was a fun adventure..bringing back memories.. thanks..

celia said...

Thank you N for feeling like you were actually there. It was fun seeing the dog which I felt added to the photos. I also took the photo using my left hand to point to "the Lā`ie Point" and pressing my digital camera with my right hand to make that more interesting. Each time we visit places we have been to, I try to make a new image.

Happy New Year!

celia said...

Although the mountain side was so pretty, I wanted to include Chinamen/s hat in that photo. Thanks Shun Wah - it really helps to see "the light" when doing bokeh. I think it was Erick that showed us Lā`ie Point - I remember asking a tour bus driver what is that and he just made fun of me and said something ridiculous. Does bring back memories!