Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sea Life Park, 4/12/09, Some more

Yes this is Makapuu Light House.

Boy, I could live the life of a seal.

Did I mention, I could live the life of a seal?

Seal Life Park, 4/12/09, Dolphins

Sea Life Park certainly put on a terrific dolphin show.  Us photographers certainly had a blast capturing this show.  The weather was also perfect.

Sea Life Park, 4/12/09, Seals

I think we should give these seals a hand,  look at what they can do.  They have terrific trainers.

Kawaii Kon, 4/11/09 #2

Oops, please check out Kawaii Kon 4/11/09 #1 first.  Then this will make sense.

Can you guess who won the costume contest?  Their costumes were amazing, no scrimping on detail and "kawaii"!

After the contest, it was fun taking more pictures.  This is the fifth Kawaii Kon and my first,  I think I will be planning to attend next year's.  It will be held during Easter weekend.

Kawaii Kon, 4/11/09 #1

"Kawaii Kon" - Hmmm, translation? 

"Kawaii (kah-wai-EE) adj. - From the Japanese, meaning "cute" or "adorable", usually attributed to things that deserve the term, like perhaps a bunch of baby chicks or small children. Some Japanese women in particular have a verbal spin on the word, as they sometimes say it in a high-pitched voice." taken from

Kon - short for convention/conference, this event is  for those who  want to "cosplay" dress in costume either from Anime, Star Wars, or any costumes.  

Some action?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Scottish Festival, 4/4/09

My friends and I headed to watch the dance contest.  They were very good.

Guess what, I had to photoshop out a corner of a table.  It was very challenging to take pictures. The tent was small and a table was in most of the pictures.  

If this isn't ecstasy? 

Now you know why.   Distance matters.

I think she exemplifies how difficult it is to do the Hammer Throw.

Could this be hard or what?  This contest involves tossing the Caber (a large log).  According to my friend's blog,  the best toss is when the log lands at a 12 o'clock position to you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Glimpse of Downtown, 4/4/09

A photo group I belong to took an "Architectural Tour" of downtown. When did we begin? If my memory serves me right, it was 8:30 a.m. on the nose this past Saturday, April 4.

This the Kalanimoku Building where real estate documents are recorded.

Everyone sees the front of our Capitol, here is another view.

Just a lamp post

Hmmm, Club Hubba Hubba. Anyone remember this?

While waiting for others who scurried into Macy's for a pitt stop, I took this one.

Just some detail

What is Chinatown without a noodle factory?