Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Diamond Head Sunset Shoot, 10/29/12

Eyes of Hawaii Photography Club arranged for a photo opportunity below the lighthouse to capture the sunset, the moonrise and yes the lighthouse. It is fun to go on these outings cuz everyone sees different things. Here is what I saw...

Luckily we had those HUGlight by My Light, neck flash lights to get back to the car, thanks Richard.
You can get those neck flash lights from Costco - 2 in a pack.
Did I mention moon rise, we did not see it, it was too cloudy.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Official Unofficial

Thanks Erick and friends for documenting me as I opened the box with my new camera, Canon 5D Mark lll. Some of you may have already seen it but I thought I would add it to my blog. Be ready to laugh, the background sound is from a video that a Korean restaurant started to play. Again, too funny!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Waikiki Roughwater Swim, 9/3/12

If you missed this event, mark your calendar - it is always on Labor Day.  

There were 5 heats, with 5 minute interval starts. Each person had their number written on both arms and their heat alphabet on both calves.
 Kaia: President of the Waikiki Roughwater Swim Board and Race Director

 Finish side...

Congratulations to this swimmer, however he was not the first; last year finisher came in at 47:29. Apparently this year's results have not yet been published.

Rainbow Aquatics Swim Team member pouring water for a swimmer - there was a tent with water and gatorade. This team also assisted with the numbering of the swimmers, transporting their belongings, receiving the t-shirt order and pre bagging their order for pickup.

Congratulations swimmers!!!
Shun Wah and I enjoyed photographing another Waikiki Roughwater Swim.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Children and Youth Day Festival, 10/7/12

What was "Children and Youth Day Festival"? It was a huge free event which occurs on the first Sunday of October. The grounds of the State Capitol and Surrounding Capitol District were filled with activities and information for the whole family. Next year will be the 20th anniversary.

This statue of Queen Liliokulani faces our State Capitol.
The State Capitol Rotunda

Jordan Segundo

That day was so hot and humid that seeing this sign was a joy to see. Infact I had some @10:15 and later in the afternoon.

Under the various tents:

The support for this event was tremendous!

She made it!
Police Canine Division
Serious teen info:

Surf (Internet) Safe



Dance performances

Gangnam Style, this is the latest dance craze originating from Korea

Portable hammocks
I had my waffle dog from this high school group, McKinley "Tigers".
Incase you did not make it, here were some of my attempts to show how large this festival was.

Samadhi Hawaii Aerial
Check out my friend Jalna's blog, after 6 hours she still felt there were even more things to see. I agree with her whole heartily - infact this was just a sampling! We were actually taking pictures for this organization: HawaiiCYD and guess what, we never saw each other.