Hana is on the east side of Maui and remains beautiful with very little buildings. The reason being that the road to Hana includes 30 miles of winding road that is pretty much 1 lane for both directions. To make it even more challenging are the one lane bridges which there are 54.
At Waikamoi Ridge Trail, we came across this sign.Kaumahina State Wayside
Hard to tell that this was a photo trip. Connie arranged this trip for our Eyes of Hawaii photo club. She needed 10 - guess who jumped at this opportunity.
We certainly enjoyed this stop. (Yummy natural fruit shakes, ice cream, and warm banana bread to name a few)
Ke`anae Penninsula
At Wai`anapanapa State Park, I enjoyed the beauty of the black sand.
I placed this Opihi shell on the rocks. Our group have very fond memories of the fishermen we met at Ke`anae. I kept my shell.
The following morning, we woke up early to catch the sun rise.
This spectacular waterfall is at Wailua.
Yay, I got a stamp for visiting one of the National Park Service - Haleakala National Park.
This is from the Hala tree.
There we are enjoying the beauty. This area has 7 pools.
Look closely at the round things to the bottom right. The next picture is a cropped picture to show you the Opihis. They withstand the constant gushing of the water and just tenaciously cling to the rocks.
Okay, spider webs are hard to make a picture - got to get your focus point on the web.
Look closely there are 3 crosses.
Our last morning, we went to Hamoa for our sunrise pictures.
Tribute to Father Damien at Pa`ia
It was unanimous by our group that we had a blast. Thanks Pat, Connie, Randy, Pam and Francine.