A group called "All Things Oahu - Meetup" decided to enjoy watching a polo game at Mokuleia also known as "Polo on the Beach"
Btw - what does "chukker" mean? According to their brochure the game consists of six Chukkers (periods) - each being 7 1/2 minutes. Separating the chukkers is a four minute break for the players to change ponies. And yes, there is a 10 minute half time after three chukkers.

Again according to their brochure - "Polo has a long and storied tradition in Hawaii, dating back to its arrival - from India, courtesy of the British - in the 1870's."

During half time, we got to see this car show. I think there were 3 more cool cars.

Stan purposely chose to park on the beach side, so we could get some beach scenes. Boy were we lucky! There was this kite surfer.

As we returned to the polo side, we saw some parachuters landing on the polo field instead of at Dillingham Field.I took this pic because of the nice contrast with the sky.
Stan was telling me to continue looking up. But I thought, why? After looking at his blog, I realized that these parachuters were entertaining us and asked to use his pics. Check out what they did.
This last picture is for Jody - he liked the misty background and asked if I could shoot it with my zoom lens. Jody you have a good eye, thanks.

Great shots, I especially like the three images with the two polo players going after the puck/ball. The middle picture is composed very well. It's cool how you caught the Hawaii player reaching way out for the puck/ball. Your hot rod shots are also very good. I like the way you shot the cars as they were moving away from you.
Awesome Celia!
Wow Jalna, awesome is quite a compliment. Thanks Stan for going out there - what luck. Please pardon my lateness in responding.
you got a great variety of shots. Love the polo actions shots.. cool old cars and those colorful specks in the sky...uh I mean parachuter or whatever they're called.. great day for a great shoot...
That's cool that you got to watch a polo match. You got some really great shots in there too!
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