On Thursday, I left on the last flight for Kauai, therefore my pictures are from 1/28-30/11.
Friday, 1/28...
Although these roosters crow with the dawn of a new day, I don't think they know that. All night long we heard them. Richard's friends rented a home and we really thought a rooster was in our living room, needless to say we did not get a peaceful night sleep.
This one is at Waimea Canyon

Wailua Falls, uggh, I had my telephoto lens so I was unable to get the complete waterfall. I was happy the lighting caught this rainbow.

Sunday, 1/30...
This morning, we woke up to rain. Not uncommon for this island. So what do I do to entertain myself. I did a fast shutter speed on this ceiling fan. I later made this pic a black and white.

We agreed this plant produces our favorite food, chocolate!
To get a good night sleep, everyone found rum works well! Life is good.
you had great weather for seeing Kauai. Great shots of the tourist spots and of niihau. That huge wave shot on the beach is sooo cool in perspective to the people on the beach. BTW, why does that same rooster keep following you around the island?
CD, I enjoyed looking at your photos, it takes me to the island that I love. I am also amazed at the number of chickens that are everywhere. Again good job and keep up the blog. I enjoy following you.
Those chickens were a hoot. I forgot to mentioned them roosters crowed all day long too. Yes Shun Wah, very lucky to have great weather and Eddie ~ I agree with you, I love that island.
Love all the chickens. Great lighthouse shots! Nice Kauai tourist shots, great job!
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