Sunday, May 12, 2013

Macros at Foster Botanical Garden, 5/11/13

It was so nice to go to Foster Botanical Garden with Linda. She is so creative and she took the opportunity to place Benji up there.

We came to get macro shots for our Eyes of Hawaii - photography theme for May.
We came to get macro shots for our Eyes of Hawaii - photography theme for May. As you can guess, I had to be still and far away to make these pictures. Luckily my camera has many mega pixels so I still get clarity after cropping.

Luckily this butterfly was looking the other way as I crept stealthily towards it. Again, I had to crop this picture.
I saw Linda enjoying capturing pictures of birds. Here is mine.

 Although this bee is not sharp, I was happy to get this bee and got the fuzziness of its head.
Kind of artsy.

More artsy...

This orchid is so funny, I think you see what I see.
 Not sure how I did this, I was using Adobe Lightroom 4. But I like what happened.
Wow, when we left the admission lady commented that we were there a long time. Turns out we were there for a long time...4 hours!!!

Meet Bobby Doo, Linda got this bear for me because I wanted a more cheerful bear to add to my pictures. Benji seems sullen most of the time. Linda thinks Bobby looks a little precocious.


SW said...

Ohh.. Really love colors of the butterfly shots. That Green effect is cool too..if you can remember what effect it was. Now you have a cool new bear friend.. Cuuuute!!! Great shooting.

celia said...

SW, thanks - Linda and I were so fortunate to get good weather. Will work on including Bobby Doo and Benji in more pix.