We had Richard's sister Nancy open her Christmas gift the night we got there. She is a terrific photographer and we wanted her to have a better camera.
I really enjoyed being at her place.She had stockings for us. Even Cody had one.
The Amish continue to live as minimalist. I choose to be in a car.
We had dinner with friends. Yum, baked sweet potato and ribs!Had dessert at Mary Jean and Larry's.
Hee hee, Heidi suggested I be photoshopped in - thanks Richard!
On Christmas Eve, we went to Eichel's - now that is Christmas with snow, Christmas lights and decorations. Thank you Nancy for driving us there.
Since our flight to Sacramento from Columbus was on Dec. 27 at 6 am - we decided to leave Ashland a day earlier and spend the night in Columbus. Good plan - we were able to miss the snow storm. When Nancy returned home there was 5 inches more of snow.
Here is Cody, the morning we left.
Stopped at Steak n Shake.
I wish I had gotten a larger shake, that was an Orange Dream. - that Portobello 'n Swiss was also deeeelicious.

Voila Coumbus.
I certainly had a true Christmas - in a winter wonderland.
Great photos! Wow...a white Christmas...lucky you!!!! :)
Sookie, it was awesome!
Very nice photos! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Jalna. Guess what, I still have more to share- it will cover Dec. 27 - Jan. 2.
Cool, a white Christmas. Cody looks like he is having a great time in the white stuff. Was it cold?
Erick, it was cold but I actually feel colder here. We were down to 29 degrees but it was a dry cold and not much wind. It was fun wearing winter stuffs.
what a set of fun pics! thanks for sharing!
Thanks SWW, it was fun!!!
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