I took some friends from Toronto, Canada to the North Shore. One of the guys had his camera so we had fun taking pictures.
Going out, we stopped at the
Dole Plantation, I am sorry no pictures to share. We enjoyed some fresh local fruits that were sold just outside the visitor center. The bowls were filled with sliced mango, papaya, coconut, sugar cane and apple banana. We also enjoyed pineapple juice from the center.
Then we headed off to Laniakea Beach to see if any Honus (turtles) came ashore. Oooh no luck. But I got this shot, check out this wave.

The following are from the famous "Pipe Line" surf spot. Although last week there were large waves - today it was pretty small but a bit rough. We found out next Thursday, 11/12/09 the waves will be high.

Driving back we caught this sunset. One thing I learned while reviewing my sunset pictures, I should have used a small aperture. I really had to crop this picture to eliminate the overblown sun.

The evening ended with a yummy dinner at Little Village Noodle House. This was a treat for the guys. The food was really good, and it was not in Waikiki but in Chinatown. It is more fun to eat where the locals eat.
Sounds like a great day to cruise around the island! Nice surf shots too. Great shots!
Erick it was sooo much fun! Although at the North shore the weather was overcast with some light rain, I was able to spare the guys from a rainy day at the South shore, meaning Waikiki.
Great pics, Celia! I knew you would show the guys a good time!
I love, love, love your last shot. It's perfect. The gradient shading is awesome!!! I wanna do something like that.
yup, my favorite shot is the one of the sunset. very nice!
Nice shot of the surf.. looked like a perfect day indeed.. great colors on the sunset shot and the cropping worked out great w/ nice composition..
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