Monday, November 2, 2009

Foster Botanical Garden, 11/1/09

A little macro shooting.
Included here is a butterfly garden. Shun Wah was patient and got a butterfly. So cool! I couldn't get any so I am happy with this caterpillar

Look at what was in the bromeliads. I did have to crop this picture.
Not too many pictures, it was really hot. My friends and I will have to go back again. This place is so beautiful!!!


SW said...

Wow.. nice shot of the purple orchid. None of mine came disappointing... That's a cool shot of the soo sharp. Yep..we must go back..sista! ha! ha!

Erick said...

Nice shooting! I love the green rice bird, those guys are so hard to shoot, they fly fast and don't stay in one place very long. Great job!

rand said...

sweet ;-) what macro lens did you use?

celia said...

Randall, I used a 60mm macro lens. I hope you can get more info from the site I posted after this post.

rand said...

well, to reveal my ignorance about lenses, 60mm seems very "long" for a macro lens! i was expecting you to say something like 10mm or 24mm or something like that. i've got so much to learn. been reading the messages at and it appears that a lot of people believe that a prime lens will always be "better" than zoom lenses. bought a zoom lens (24-70mm, if i remember correctly) and i wonder if i made a mistake; i mean, i wonder if i should have bought two prime lenses instead...

celia said...

Here is my email address:
I can share more about lens with you.

jalna said...

Very, very nice macro shots! I'm glad you're enjoying the lens.