Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Foster Botanical Garden, 8/17/2`

Today's tagalongs: Derek, Wes, Gary and Milton S.

My days here are numbered. The movers will be coming on Tuesday, August 31. I will not have my camera and other gears after that. I will be moving to Los Angeles, a new chapter.

This looks like us as we see different things to photograph which is a good thing.

Very interesting...

Although the sun was not shining on us, the humidity got to us. In less than 2 hours, most of us said, "See you next time."


jalna said...

Very nice!!!! But wait. You're moving to LA?? Wow! What an adventure. So brave. Wishing you well on your next chapter.

celia said...

Thank you. Yes, I am moving to LA. I will be close to my son, his wife and their baby. In fact, today, August 19, she is in labor.

jalna said...

Awwwww, congratulations, Celia!!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Congratulations and best wishes for you and your new life!

celia said...

Thank you Jalna. My blogs will look different.

celia said...

Thank Honolulu Aunty,
I will embracing a new life on Thursday, Sept. 16. I can't wait to meet my grandson on that day.