Today, 10/2/11, is a celebration of Children and Youth. According to info on the web, "In 1993, Children and Youth Day was established by law as the first Sunday of every October. Later, Act 30, Session Laws of 1997, established October as Children and Youth Month in Hawaii. The Legislature's Keiki Causcus has spearheaded the events for the past 18 years."
Suzanne Chun Oakland - Chair, Children and Youth Day and Co-Chair, Children and Youth Month. John Mizuno - Co-Chair, Children and Youth Month
Personally, I was awed - there were over 300 exhibitors and community organizations providing free activities. Volunteers were also provided with a delicious lunch and there were 5 choices.

I was not able to get a close up of Touch of Gold and Nanakuli Performing Arts Center performing a special song "Honor Our Children".
Sunny-Aloha Miller felt a need to have a song for this event. She asked Ricky Hana and Alan Satchwell to write a love song for our children. She asked Taylor Hoopii from A Touch of Gold to sing the song. She asked Johnny Kai who had already asked Pierre Grill to record the song.
Sunny-Aloha is in my opinion an Energizer Bunny. Leslie, Jalna, Erick and myself have had the pleasure of photographing events that she has been involved with. It is with her enthusiasm that she was able to bring together the above talents to launch the first ever song for this 18 year event.
These young musicians also performed at the Capitol Rotunda.
More fun for the kids...
The guy with his hands up was very talented. I don't have any picture of him spinning the basketballs. I had used the largest aperture to blur the background which also meant that it would take a fast shot, uggh the basketballs looked like they were not moving. The shutter speed was 1/1250 of a second
When he asked for audience participation, I made sure I used the smallest aperture and I was able to get a slow shot and now you can see the ball spinning. I was able to use the smallest aperture because it was such a bright day. The shutter speed was 1/15 of a second.
This teenage girl had no idea that he was going to have her pose with the 2 spinning basketballs.
Lots and lots of volunteers
Luckily Sunny-Aloha Miller asked for 4 photographers. Check out my friends' - you will see different activities in ours. Once we started, we never saw each other again. There was so much to see and there were a gazillion attendees. I forgot to mention, there were 5 stages, also a teen zone.
Leslie's blog, Jalna's blog, Erick will soon have his posted, here is his site Erick's blog.
Great job Celia! You're right . . . good thing had 4 of us. I didn't even see a lot of the activities you captured.
I know it was a long hot day but your pix really captured how much fun the kids were having and once again you got some great expressions...way to go!
Good job Celia, I enjoyed looking at all the smiling faces, you do good work.
Great job Celia! Glad we had an extra shooter this year :) I'm sure they'll be really happy!
Jalna, R, Eddie, and Leslie - thanks for your wonderful comments - it was fun and I am glad I could help out this year. Wow - it was certainly a humungus event with choke people.
Wow, you folks so fast. I am still editing my shots. Great shots of the kids. From some of the angles I think we were in the same place at the same time. There were so many people it was hard to see anyone. Great shooting, nice coverage of a fantastic kids event! covered so many events in your shots. Seems like you can't have enough photos since this has gotten to be such a large event. Great Pics of showing all the participants enjoying the events.
Thanks Erick, actually I saw you in a perfect spot for the Capitol Rotunda - thanks for capturing that part. I therefore did a candid shot. Wow those kids were so lucky to have all those free activities and info.
Thanks SWW, it was so much fun to be around so many activities and participants.
wish i neva miss em but i was sick like one dog! bummer :-(
nice shots; i esp like da one with miss teen oahu world!
Hey Rand, Uggh - but hope next year - 1st Sun in Oct. - you will be in good health. Your family will enjoy - It was awesome. Glad I got a shot of miss teen oahu world - for you. smiles.
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