Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Natsu Matsuri & Bon Dance, 8/21/11

This is such a fun event for all. Natsu Matsuri means summer festival and Obon means a Buddhist tradition to honor the deceased/departed usually with a dance.
She was a very enthusiastic and energetic emcee.
These Taiko (large drums) drummers provided the music to dance to.

Usually these veteran dancers dance in the inner area around the drummers and all is invited to join.  After all this is a celebration.

In the Pacific Beach Hotel, the children had fun playing games and deciding which masks to get.
Outside were couple of games with water tubs. The challenge is trying to scoop as many little toys with a mesh that splits open.
 Food…lots of Japan Japanese food.

 This is what I had for dinner.  Yummy!

For more entertainment, audience participation was included.  Here is our friend, Jennifer.  Too bad she was not smiling, she looks like she was very focused.
Bruce Shimabukuro, another very talented Shimabukuro.  I think we are all familiar with his older brother, Jake.
 Vernon Sakata and Bruce performed together.

I am really happy with my lantern pictures, usually they are blown out meaning too bright without detail.
 Ahhh, the end of a fun night.


jalna said...

Excellent, excellent shots Celia!!

celia said...

Really? Thanks Jalna.

wzb3 said...

Wonderful pictures! I especially like the masks...panda in particular!

SW said...

Great collection of shots for the event. Food, Entertainment, and Fun!!